Conversation and Grammar
Can you tell me….?
Where is?
Lesson 4 Grammar : Auxilliary Verbs
Lesson 4 Idiomatic: Idiomatic Expressions 4
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1. Write a dialogue. See instructions under the Dialogue-Section.
Present the dialogue during the following lesson.
2. Grammar Section : do the Multiple Choice exercises.
3. Idiomatic Expressions : do the Multiple Choice exercises.
4. Vocabulary: Learn the Dialogue & Lesson Vocabulary.
5. Do the Lesson Multiple Choice Exercises.
Some Grammar to remember:
The following 3 tenses in English are important (the rest you can do without):
Present tense
Future tense
Simple past (imperfect)
In German we mostly use the perfect tense in the past when we speak, in English rather the imperfect:
Gestern habe ich Kuchen gegessen. / Yesterday I ate cake.
Avoid using the continuous tense!!!!
ONLY use it if you want to indicate what you are doing right now:
I am reading! (this text)