Lesson 6 & 7 Conversation

Conversation and Grammar

Cultures and Customs

That’s rather strange….?

Did you know?

Lesson 6 Grammar :

lesson 7 Grammar :

Lesson 6 Idiomatic:

Lesson 7 Idiomatic:


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Prepare ONE of the following topics for presentation:
1. You are in a supermarket but you can not find some ingredients you need for a special dish..
Discussion between you and the staff at the supermarket.

You are in a foreign country in a restaurant and there is some strange food on your plate.
Discussion between you and the waiter.

Write about 1/2 Page about a typical custom in your country.

2. Grammar Section : do the Multiple Choice exercises.
3. Idiomatic Expressions : do the Multiple Choice exercises.

What is????

Guy Fawkes (5th November)
Christmas (when celebrate?)
Boxing Day (26th December)
Auld Lang Syne
Thanksgiving (4th November)

Songs to know……

My bonnie is over the ocean
Auld Lang Syne
Cockles and Mussels – Molly Malone
What shall we do with a drunken sailor
(Google it to listen to songs)

Did you know…….